SUNDAYs at wesley


Wesley Memorial UMC is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. We hope you'll join us!

What To Expect

At Worship

9:00 am - Oasis (Contemporary) Worship in the Gym

The Oasis Service at Wesley Memorial involves a large number of volunteer musicians who have a passion for helping to lead others in transformative modern/ contemporary forms of worship. There are opportunities for a wide variety of ages and abilities, including vocalists, keyboard players, those who play electric, acoustic, and bass guitars, and drums. Volunteers who love to run lights, camera, and/ or sound are also greatly appreciated and needed. If you love leading others in worship, are a gifted or beginning musician, wanting to help out behind the scenes, and are willing to share your talents, we would love to have you!

11:00 am - Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

While our traditional service is more formal in style, you are invited to “come as you are” to celebrate God’s presence and love for us all. Our traditional service features familiar hymns,  inspiring anthems sung by our Chancel Choir, and occasional musical pieces by our Hand Bell Choir and guest instrumentalists. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month.

Children's Worship

Children’s Worship takes place during both the 9:00am and 11:00am services, after the Children’s Moment. There is no Children’s Worship on the first Sunday of the month (for Communion Sunday). During Children’s Worship we have story time and brief discussion about our bible story, and a craft or game and activities. We currently meet in the Sanctuary building in Room 104. We have Godly Play  during Children’s Worship in Room 105 on the second-to-last Sunday of the month.

Sunday School

Adult Sunday School opportunities include...

NEST Class
If you are a young adult looking for a community of faith to learn and grow with, this is the class for you! This discussion- based class is geared toward those between the ages of 30-50 who are seeking to take the next step in their faith. We also serve our community through various outreach opportunities, and try to do something social together once a month.
Wesley Fellowship Class
The Wesley Fellowship class is a well-established class of couples and single seniors. We use a traditional method of studying the bible under the leadership of rotating teachers. Singing, food, service projects, and warm fellowship characterize the class.
O.H. Joy Class 
The O.H. Joy class is a discussion-based class using a variety of lesson materials. This multi-aged group enjoys lively conversation, in-depth study, and occasional social fellowships. Its warm, loving atmosphere characterizes the class.
Seekers Class
The Seekers class uses the Cokesbury quarterly Adult Bible Studies curriculum. The themed and scripture-based lessons help us relate the scripture to our lives today. This class is taught by members of the class and is geared toward adults and those who are young at heart!
Grace Class
The Grace class is a discussion-based class. We use varied programs that help us grow in our faith through bible study, occasional social events, and service.
Traveling Mercies Class
This is a multi-age group focusing on studying essential truths that form the foundation of our faith such as grace, humility, obedience, etc.

Nursery + Child Care

Our nursery is open for children ages birth - 3 years during both Sunday services as well as the Sunday School hour.